作者:新金宝厅    发布于:2020-06-10 12:35:37    文字:【】【】【


Time travel is not technically impossible. It needs to be very fast. Specifically, it needs to be close to 3*108 m/s, a speed that would allow you to run around the world several times in the blink of an eye.

3*108米/秒是光运动的速度。 这几乎是宇宙的速度极限。有趣的是。当物体加速到接近光速。时间就会变慢。

3*108 m/s is the speed of light, which is almost the speed limit of the universe. Interestingly, time slows down when objects accelerate close to the speed of light.



Curious about this phenomenon, physicists have wondered what it would be like to have one twin or sister travel in a starship while the other stays on earth. So let's imagine a story that might happen in the distant future.


Let's say beth and barbie are twins, both 30 years old. Beth is an astronaut and barbie is a journalist. Beth has just been sent on what could be her mission of a lifetime: a spacecraft to investigate a nearby star system. Barbie will cover the entire trip for the newspaper she works for.


The destination is 96 trillion kilometers from earth, about 10 light years away. At 90 percent of the speed of light, beth's spacecraft would take 22 years to get back to earth. During that time, barbie got married, had two children, and her hair turned gray.

但这段时间对于宇航员贝丝来说却是另外番情景。 当宇南飞船以极快的速度穿梭于星际时。船舱内的钟表悄悄地放慢了脚步。并不是表没电了或是坏掉了。而是时间本身为飞船和飞船上的成员放慢了节奏。然而飞行员们自己却感觉不到丝毫的变化。对于他们来说。1分钟仍然是分钟。井没有多出1秒钟。但在贝丝出发之后。飞船上的时间和地球上的相差越来越多了。

But it was a different story for astronaut beth. When the yonan spacecraft with a very fast speed through the stars, the cabin clock quietly slowed down the pace. It wasn't that the watch had run out of power or that it was broken, but that time itself had slowed the ship and its crew down. But the pilots themselves felt no change. For them, a minute was still a minute. But after beth's departure, the difference in time between the spacecraft and earth grew larger and larger.


After the successful completion of the mission, the astronauts returned to earth. As the spacecraft entered the solar system, an electronic clock in the cabin indicated that the journey took 10 years. As the spacecraft passed by Pluto, beth celebrated her 40th birthday.


Both beth and barbie knew the slower time effect could happen, but they were still in shock when the sisters were reunited. Beth is a 40-year-old woman and barbie is a 52-year-old woman. The two sisters are no longer twins. Barbie, who is no longer young, sees the space trip as a memory of her youth. Beth, on the other hand, was at a loss: 22 years had passed and the world had changed so much that, for her, it was the equivalent of a long journey of 10 years to the future in 12 years.


The idea for time travel was inspired by Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity, which describes the effects of motion on time, distance and mass. Travel closer to the speed of light would send astronauts into the far future, say, a century later. Although we still can't build an aircraft that can travel that fast, we can still observe this effect in relatively low-speed moving objects. Scientists used to put very precise clocks on supersonic planes. At the end of the flight, they found that the clocks were a full second slower.


In Einstein's general theory of relativity, he predicted that time would slow down as gravity increased. Based on this language, it has been suggested that perhaps we could use some of the most attractive celestial structures in the universe, such as black holes, to help old people return to their childhood.

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